DEUFOL Double deck
Gain space by stacking non-stackable industrial goods. Optimise by stacking in a DEUFOL Double Deck: A wooden base with galvanised steel supports. Foldable and reusable. Quick and easy to assemble. Space saving on transport costs, storage costs. Savings on material costs.

How to stack non-stackable industrial goods anyway? And thus gain space, and save costs, in transport and storage?
Solution: the DEUFOL Double Deck
- Optimise your use of space by stacking in a DEUFOL Double Deck: an assembly of a wooden base and a set of galvanised steel supports.
- Wooden base tailored to your products and transport. Whether by road, rail, water or air.
- Steel galvanised supports, long lifespan.
- Sufficiently strong for stacking, strength calculation if necessary.

- Option: steel supports adjustable in height.
- The supports are collapsible and reusable. Empty return transport, whether or not together with the wooden base, is advantageous in this way.
- The supports can be quickly and easily mounted on the wooden base.
- Perfect for loads of various industrial products that cannot be stacked, which can be transported double, and which do not need to be packed in a complete wooden box.
- Stackability saves space and thus transport costs, storage costs.
- Saving on material costs compared to standard solutions such as a full wooden crate or full steel frame.
- Savings through reusability.
- Easy to assemble, and easy and inexpensive to transport empty due to its foldability.