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Our DEUFOL Packaging Optimization
The DEUFOL Engineering Academy video provides insights into our advanced training courses, where we impart expertise in various areas, such as packaging. Learn how DEUFOL, through the use of innovative technologies and our scorecard, develops precise and sustainable packaging solutions. Take a look at our packaging optimization and discover how we can collaboratively maximize your cost-saving potential and reduce the CO2 footprint.
Career at DEUFOL
Our DEUFOL Academy is just one example of how seriously we take the subject of further education. As an employee at DEUFOL, you benefit not only from a global presence but also from an environment that encourages continuous learning and growth. Over 2,400 dedicated employees at more than 90 locations worldwide shape our corporate culture. Each and every one of them breaks boundaries daily and contributes to our collective success. If you’re ready to grow with us and actively shape the future of the packaging industry, we invite you to learn more about the career opportunities at DEUFOL.